Digital Business & Automation
generative AI

Generative AI is adding fuel to the intelligent automation fire. It uses historical data and user intent to expand or summarize content in a world where everything is constantly changing. Sumit Johar, Automation Anywhere’s Chief Information Officer (CIO), offers a peek into areas his team is already researching, where generative AI can be used to replace expensive tools, save human bandwidth, and generate game-changing returns on investment.

Contract reviews

Legal teams spend hours each day scanning contracts for problematic terms
or clauses. Generative AI is remarkably effective at analyzing unstructured data and could reduce the time it takes for contract reviews.

Language translation

Manual translations to create localized content are slow and expensive. Generative AI can reduce the time and funds typically spent on localization efforts.

Automated IT support

Even the smartest chatbots are currently limited in their ability to understand the intent behind a question. Combining generative AI with existing chatbot experiences and an intelligent automation platform can deliver a more conversational (and automated!) IT support experience.

Review of security alerts

Changing work models forced enterprises to increase security operations spend over the past few years, driving a flood of security alerts. Unfortunately, most turn out to be false alarms yet still require human effort to manage. Generative AI can review and recommend a resolution for every alert or elevate it for human intervention.

Sales outreach

Sales outreach emails are typically just annoying spam. But, those personalized based on contacts, interests, or areas of concern tend to get noticed. Generative AI can do a better job by automatically conducting background research on prospects while driving significant cost and time savings.

Customer response quality

The quality of customer support responses can make or break the support experience. AI-powered bots can score response quality before messages are sent. Generative AI can then integrate with a CRM platform to analyze text based unstructured data and offer further insights.

Data cleansing

CRM data quality is notoriously poor, according to sales reps, but CRM systems might miss errors that are obvious to a human. Generative AI can absorb and process large sets of unstructured data and start to solve CRM data quality problems.

Learn how the Automation Success Platform natively integrates with ChatGPT and lets you keep a human in the loop when needed.

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